Henry Vilas Zoo: The Wildest Place in Town

Support Your Zoo!

camelMake a Financial Contribution

In addition to membership support, financial contributions keep our free zoo going strong. Direct financial contributions go toward the Zoological Society's efforts to build new and renovate old exhibits, provide educational programs, purchase new animals, and make general improvements to the zoo. Contributions also provide operating funds for the Zoological Society so it can continue its fundraising activities on behalf of the zoo.

There are many ways to give:
  • Place a contribution in one of the donation canisters when you come to the zoo.
  • Make a personal or corporate contribution.
  • Include the Zoological Society in your will.
  • Name the Zoological Society as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy.
  • Make a memorial gift in remembrance of a loved one.

CamelAll gifts should be made to the Henry Vilas Park Zoological Society. For more information about making a contribution, call or write the Zoological Society at:

Henry Vilas Park Zoological Society
702 S. Randall Ave.
Madison, WI 53715-1665
(608) 258-9490
FAX: (608) 258-9490

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