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Name: Kris Email: kmdejano@students.wisc.edu Location: Madison Date: Thursday, October 29, 1998 at 18:12:03 Comments: Jason-- Thanks for the 411 on J.N. and UTG. Actually, I had been on the concert page checkin it out, but hey, what can I say, I'm a blonde!! : ) Name: Jason Stephens Email: jasonfromq106@yahoo.com Date: Wednesday, October 28, 1998 at 16:40:24 Comments: Kris, you must be more inquisitive when you surf the net. We have a J.N. & UTG schedule posted on the site right before your eyes. http://www.q106.com/concerts.htm otherwise, it sounds like you enjoyed yourself at the show! And if anyone is looking to have a killer time on Halloween, come to the Bean! And wear your costume - we're giving away a trip to Cozumel, Mexico as Grand Prize, with lots of other stuff too. Name: Kris Email: kmdejano@students.wisc.edu Location: Madison State: WI Country: Good 'ol US of A!! Date: Monday, October 26, 1998 at 14:52:10 Comments: Hello everyone!! I just wanted to thank you guys for giving me the best time of my life on Friday night, Oct. 23. I went out to the Dry Bean for the first time, and also saw Jon Nicholson for the first time. He is the greatest!! I got to talk to him for a while with my cousin before the show, and also for a bit after...and he is sooo fine!!! It's great to know that despite all his success he can still chill with the rest of us. You can bet I'll be at the rest of his performances--even if I have to go by myslef!! He's great! Thanks Q106 for bringing him to us...and showing me that there are some people in this liberal city who do actually listen to country--besides myself!! Oh yeah, is there anywhere where I can get ahold of a Jon Nicholson schedule?? Name: Jake "The Snake" Preston Email: jakepreston@hotmail.com Location: "Mad City" State: WI. Country: USA Date: Monday, October 26, 1998 at 07:34:50 Comments: Hey Jen, nice to know you're out there listening!!! Great to hear from you!!! Dana Bishop is the one you need to talk to about Jo Dee Messina. I'm back doing overnights so if you can't sleep sometime, turn on the radio. See ya!!! Name: Natalie Maines Email: nat@dixiechicks.com Date: Monday, October 26, 1998 at 04:55:51 Comments: Hey Dan.... I miss you buddy. When do I get to see you again? Name: DJ Marv Email: mradtke@execpc.com Location: Madison State: of Misery Country: DJ Booth @ The DRY BEAN Date: Sunday, October 25, 1998 at 03:10:31 Comments: Howdy Y'all, Its so nice to have all you listeners supporting the one and only Jon Nicholson & Under The Gun...... another wonderful turn out this weekend at the Dry Bean. Looking forward to the Wednesday Night lineup at the Bean. If you haven't heard. Jon Nicholson & Under The Gun will be live on stage at the DRY BEAN every Wednesday in November...... LIVE & UNPLUGGED. Also don't forget they will be returning the last weekend in November for a Friday & Saturday night show. Really looking forward to it............. Hey Mel.......... tell auntie I'm really sick and tired of being stood up..... Don't worry, I'm 33 and single..... I should be used to it by now...... HA HA HA Dan........ still waiting for the Dixie Chicks.......... Steve...... still looking for that tape......... Lizzy, you're doing a great job overnights on the weekends...... makes me wanna stay up all night long.... keep up the great work girl........ Mary....... its so nice seeing you back at Q... you're welcomed to visit my booth anytime you stop in.... That's it for now folks...... KEEP UP THE COUNTRY Q106..... YOU GUYS ARE THE GREATEST AND REMEMBER............ WE'RE FROM WISCONSIN AND WE LIKE IT THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PHIL,,,,,,,,,,,, WE MISS YOU Name: Veronica Email: madison_3198@yahoo.com Location: Little past little rock Date: Saturday, October 24, 1998 at 12:46:12 Comments: :) I Won tickets to Alabama! I so excited! Thank you Q! I must be on a lucky streak huh! :) ! Name: Jen . . . Jacobs? Email: jenkob@yahoo.com Location: Madison State: WI Country: USA Date: Friday, October 23, 1998 at 16:01:08 Comments: Hey, anbody out there remember an old timer? I'm still out there listening... and you folks do a wonderful job. Is it too late for me to get in on the Jodee Messina concert? Name: Jason Stephens (7-midnight) Email: jasonfromq106@yahoo.com Location: Big City by Merle Haggard State: AK Date: Thursday, October 22, 1998 at 17:21:59 Comments: I'd like to ask a question... What ticks you off? What behavior/occurance makes you angry? Like public "whoopin'" in the Walmart, or people who get drunk at concerts and make morons of themselves... Just vent!!! It's actually healthy. Name: Susie Location: Mt. Horeb State: WI Country: USA Date: Monday, October 19, 1998 at 16:09:14 Comments: The Shania Twain concert in Rockford last Friday was awesome. Thanks to Q-106 for the tickets. Name: Elvis Date: Monday, October 19, 1998 at 13:40:33 Comments: The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. Name: Pistol Pete Taylor Email: BigDog@aol.com Location: Fitchburg State: Wi Country: Dane Date: Friday, October 16, 1998 at 23:16:38 Comments: I wanted info on Garth Brooks, do you know if he is coming to Madison or near Madison...E-mail me and let me know A.S.A.P. ... So me and my wife can save $$$$ and maybe go...Well got to go for now... Thanx agian... Pistol Pete Taylor... Name: Veronica Email: madison_3198@yahoo.com Location: A Little past little rock Date: Friday, October 16, 1998 at 15:43:58 Comments: T. G .I .F I'm so excited to see Colin Raye! He is going to be awsome! I also won tickets for the Country music awards it's going to be great! I think I deserve it as being a wouderful listener. I Also wanted to let you know that, John Anderson and special guest Andy Childs is comeing to town on November 15th. at 7:30 at the Expo Center. Have to tell you all from Q your all awsome! Have a good weekend! Name: Dan Burns Email: dan@danburns.com Location: Madison Date: Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 18:49:30 Comments: Just a quick FYI to everyone.... There is a car in the parking lot with it's lights on. Name: Jennifer Powers Email: PowersJJ07@uwwvax.uww.edu Location: Whitewater State: WI Country: USA Date: Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 22:55:44 Comments: I am SO excited for the Collin Raye concert!! It's so good to finally see him in Madison! Thanks Q! I've seen him in Milwaukee before, but I won't go back there (The Riverside Theater) again. I've had way too many bad experiences. Therefore, Saturday will be another awesome experience!! I can't wait!! See you there! P.S. Someone please tell Brent I said 'Hi'. Name: Wayne (Tasmanian Devil) Email: TazNMadWis@aol.com Location: Madison State: Wis Country: Dane Date: Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 14:18:35 Comments: Q106 is the best counrty radio station around!!! And I LOVE to pick on Dan, Aunty Mel, Brent, Jake and Tim, they are all great people and I wanted to say thanks to them all and I thought this would be the best way to do so, and wanted to say thanks because Q106 sent me to Country Jam, Shania Twain, Collen Ray so THANKS GUYS AND GALS. To the crew take care Name: Tis aka Larry Caravello Email: tis@inxpress.net Location: Madison State: wi Country: usa Date: Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 00:39:06 Comments: I am a big q106 fan and a fan of Mel's I just Want to know when all of you (the qcrew) are going to have email addresses on this site? Name: Sarah Email: Fastrace3@hotmail.com Location: DeForest State: WI Country: U.S.A. Date: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 16:52:30 Comments: COLLIN RAYE WILL BE THE BEST CONCERT THAT MADISON HAS SEEN!!! I LOVE COLLIN, AND TICKETS WERE AN EARLY B-DAY GIFT FROM THE OTHER GUY I LOVE. THANK YOU YOU KNOW WHO, AND THANK YOU Q106 FOR GETTING COLLIN RAYE TO MADISON!!! Name: Andrea and Lois Email: don't know Location: Stoughton and Fitchburg State: Wi Date: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 16:02:58 Comments: We saw something on-line about Alabama in Madison on December 4th. Do you guys know anything about that? If you did, would you tell us? You guys are the best. We listen all day at work and our boss has converted from Y too! Love ya! Name: Renee Bratton Email: nana@axcomp.com Location: Black Earth State: WI Country: USA Date: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 16:02:20 Comments: Hi, Pam Dunke. How are you? If you haven't gotten your new Q106 card yet you may want to fill out another application form. My sister-in-law didn't get hers either so she filled out another application form. It may have gotten lost in the mail. You probably won't get your card in time to vote for the CMA Awards though. If I know of someone who gets tickets to it and can't go I'll let you know. Keep the night open just in case. I am! The Madison CMA's are always a blast! Hey, anyone going to see Collin Raye Saturday night? I can't wait. This has been a long awaited concert for my husband and I. We both think he's great in concert. He is one of the best performers. You will definitely be a big fan of his after seeing one of his shows. If you haven't gotten your tickets yet you better hurry up and get them! Q106 - thanks so much for bringing him to Madison. I wish he would come around her more often! Name: Renee Bratton Email: nana@axcomp.com Location: Black Earth State: WI Date: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 15:56:21 Comments: Name: Jason Stephens Email: jasonfromq106@yahoo.com Location: madison State: Bejing Country: China Date: Monday, October 12, 1998 at 18:05:11 Comments: Hey there folks. Madison Monster hockey season is upon us! I got to go to the press conference today and meet some of the guys. This is a kick censored team! You gotta go to a game if you can. If you need more info, see their website... www.monsters.com DOWN WITH THE QUAD CITY MALLARDS!!! DESTROY THE DUCKS!!! peace, I'm gone jason Name: Bob Email: Using the computer at work Location: Madison State: WI Country: USA Date: Monday, October 12, 1998 at 17:15:44 Comments: A belated "Happy Birthday" to Steve O'Brien's dog. Also, nice to hear Mary Carole back on the radio. You guys have a great station!!!! Name: DJ Marv Email: mradtke@execpc.com Location: Mad City State: of Confusion Country: THE DRY BEAN DJ BOOTH Date: Monday, October 12, 1998 at 15:55:32 Comments: Howdy y'all, Just wanna say first of all we will miss having to carry Phil out the front doors of the Bean. Phil we'll miss you buddy. Thanks for PHILLING in when I needed you most. You're the greatest man. Good luck at the Point. Hey Mel, my favorite niece, how's your aunt. Tell her I said hey. And Mary, it was great working with you at the Rockie Rash concert at the Bean. If the Q106 listeners didn't get to meet him, they have no idea what they missed. But don't fear. Things are in the works for a return show in November. I would also like to thank all the Q106 listeners for coming out and dancing and giving me a lot of guff when I'm doing what some call work. I love meeting each and every one of you. Make sure you come to the booth and say HI!!!!! And finally, I am really looking forward to partying with you all on the 23rd and 24th of October when the one and only,,,,,,,,,, JOHN NICHOLSON AND UNDER THE GUN return to The Dry Bean. Hey Burns, I worked with Crash, now I can see why you're by yourself.....HA HA HA!!!!!!! Name: DANA BISHOP Email: DON'T GOT ONE Location: MADISON Date: Monday, October 12, 1998 at 15:15:16 Comments: HEY EVERYONE!!!! DID ANYONE ELSE GO AND SEE GARTH BROOKS OVER THE WEEKEND? DOES ANYONE ELSE THINK THAT HE IS THE MAN??? IS EVERYONE GETTING OUT AND VOTING FOR THE MCMA'S TO WIN TICKETS TO SEE JO DEE MESSINA AND LINDA DAVIS? I'M QUESTION GIRL!! Name: kelly krause Email: using my mom's Location: monona State: wi Country: here Date: Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 17:16:07 Comments: Mr. Sweet... hey there.. how are you... i'm doing pretty good... you need to come out and have some pizza sometime... i'm always there as you know... and keep track of Phil... he's a great guy... anyway you already knew that... get a hold of me so we can get together again sometime. Name: kelly krause Email: using my mom's Location: monona State: wi Country: here Date: Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 17:12:27 Comments: phil.. we are all going to miss you.. take care while you are in the point and no more getting thrown out of bars... got it. hehehe... we will have to get together when tou come back for visits... you will be missed.... and one other thing GO PACK!!!! mama's DON'T let your babys grow up to be COWBOYS!!! thanks for all the laughs... kelly Name: Karley Lemke Email: worldnet.att.net Location: Mt. Horeb State: WI Country: U.S.A Date: Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 13:51:02 Comments: I am so glad that Marry is back.I think Mel is grat too. I am glad that I know them as friends. I hope thay will always be with Q1O6. I will always listen to Q1O6 for as long as I live. Nice talking to you.I also likeeveryone else at Q106. Name: Karley Lemke Email: worldnet.att.net Location: Mt. Horeb State: WI Country: U.S.A Date: Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 13:47:50 Comments: I am so glad that Marry is back.I think Mel is grat too. I am glad that I know them as friends. I hope thay will always be with Q1O6. I will always listen to Q1O6 for as long as I live. Nice talking to you.I also likeeveryone else at Q106. Name: Pam Dunkel Email: pdunk123@aol Location: Black Earth State: WI Date: Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 13:38:40 Comments: How long does it take to get a Q card ? It seems like I've been waiting forever! Also just want to say that Q106 is great!!! Name: Ginger Smith Email: dogstar@ticon.net Location: Janesville State: Wi Country: Usa Date: Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 12:46:54 Comments: Hey Phil, how can we be good with you gone? Name: Phil Rivers Email: www.geocities.com/nashville/opry/1693 Location: Stevens Point State: WI Country: China Date: Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 06:41:49 Comments: I would like to thank everyone who has takin' the time to care about my departure! Your the greatest listeners in the world!!!!!! I will miss that. BE GOOD! Name: Madison Email: Madison_3198@yahoo.com Location: Middleton Date: Friday, October 9, 1998 at 14:13:52 Comments: Hey Phil, Your awsome! ty for everything! I'm going to miss you! Hope things go well in Point! Take care! Name: Eddy Traschel Date: Friday, October 9, 1998 at 11:48:45 Comments: Mary's back, i saw her when I went out to get jo dee messina tickets. she was at Mounds with Dan Burns. She's back, and looking good Name: Brandy Location: Madison State: WI Country: Q106 Date: Friday, October 9, 1998 at 02:36:08 Comments: What ever happened to Mary Carol? Name: Karley Lemke Email: worldnet.att.net Location: Oregon State: WI Country: U.S.A. Date: Thursday, October 8, 1998 at 19:01:26 Comments: Q is the best conterystashon in the world. My mom said Hi. Play Sammy for her. Name: Jason Stephens Email: jasonfromq106@yahoo.com Location: mad Date: Thursday, October 8, 1998 at 13:45:06 Comments: Does anyone play Starcraft or Diablo online?? Let me know. Name: Jill Email: firstclass@gdinet.com Location: Deerfield Date: Wednesday, October 7, 1998 at 13:35:05 Comments: I, for one, am glad that Jake is back. He's a great guy, I couldn't believe it when that "other" station down south dumped him for that chick. she stinks. welcome back Jake!! It was nice talking to you up at "Hole in the Wall" Labor Day weekend too. See ya soon. Name: Pistol Pete Taylor Email: BigDog@aol.com Location: Madison State: Wi Country: Dane Date: Tuesday, October 6, 1998 at 11:20:51 Comments: Thanx for the info I asked for I will write it down and maybe I can got w/ my fienc'ee...thanx agian... Name: Jason Stephens Email: jasonfromq106@yahoo.com Location: Madison State: WI Date: Monday, October 5, 1998 at 16:10:13 Comments: Pistol Pete, Sawyer Brown is going to be at the Crystal Grand Music Theater in Wisconsin Dells on Friday, December 11th. only one show at 8pm. Tickets are 25.95 and 32.95. GET THEM NOW PETE, call 1-800-696-7999. (you can get tix for some great shows coming to the CGMT all the way thru May of 1999, and if the artist cancels or something, the tix are refundable so ya got no worries!) Name: Pistol Pete Taylor Email: BigDog@aol.com Location: Madison State: Wi Country: Dane Date: Monday, October 5, 1998 at 01:27:31 Comments: I've been a Q-106 listiner, since my dad open up his store.His store is {MBE} Mail Boxes Ect. in Fitchburg. My favorate band is Soywer Brown, can you guys send me a list of places they are going to be here in Madison...or near Madison...That would be great if you could...Well got to go for... your friend Pistol Pete Taylor Name: Nancy Jung Email: tjung@idcnet.com Location: Ft Atkinson State: WI Country: USA Date: Sunday, October 4, 1998 at 20:37:40 Comments: Q-106 is one of the best stations on radio. Unfortunately, I can't listen anymore because the local AM staion (they should be arrested for impersonating a radio station) now has a FM station with the l06.5 frequency and it knocks out Q-l06. I still listen when I drive to Madison or out of town where the signal is better. Say hello to Casey and ask if he remembers the Davis Daniel concert in Freeport, IL. This fan was stupid enough to drive 75 miles in a blizzard. Thank you. Name: Dan Burns Email: dan@danburns.com Location: Madison State: WI Date: Sunday, October 4, 1998 at 11:54:24 Comments: I didn't realize that this was the Q-Staff Message Board... Steve... Tell Max happy B-day, Dana... Enjoy your 7 hour drive to see Garth, Mel... Brooks and Dunn ARE the best vocal duo in country music and the Kinley have about the same chance of wining as you and I do, and Jason.... Good Night... (kiss). Name: Judy Location: Madison State: WI Country: USA! Date: Friday, October 2, 1998 at 14:59:49 Comments: This Friday afternoon is draging............. and "I've Got Better Things To Do" !!!!!!!! Agree ???????? Name: Judy Location: Madison State: WI Country: USA! Date: Friday, October 2, 1998 at 14:59:09 Comments: This Friday afternoon is draging............. and "I've Got Better Things To Do" !!!!!!!! Agree ???????? Name: MEL MCKENZIE Email: I AIN'T GOT NONE Date: Friday, October 2, 1998 at 14:09:53 Comments: O.K. FIRST, HAPPY B-DAY TO STEVE'S DOG! DANA, GET OVER PATTY LOVELESS. TO THE PERSON WHO THINKS DAN BURNS IS DREAMY, DO YOU NEED GLASSES?! & FINALLY, AMEN! YES I AM SICK OF BROOKS & DUNN WINNING. NOT TO TAKE ANYTHING AWAY FORM THEM, BUT COME ON! CAN YOU SAY OVER KILL! I THINK THE KINLEY'S MAY HAVE A SHOT NEXT YEAR! Name: Steve O'Brien Email: sobrien@globialdialog.com Location: Madison State: WI Country: Today's Best Country Date: Thursday, October 1, 1998 at 17:00:37 Comments: I just wanted to wish my dog Maximillian amadeus happy birthday! He's 4. Name: DANA BISHOP Date: Thursday, October 1, 1998 at 16:54:07 Comments: DOES ANYONE ELSE LOVE PATTY LOVELESS???? ALSO, JUST TO RUB IT IN A LITTLE BIT, I GET TO GO AND SEE GARTH NEXT WEEKEND!!! AND TRISHA YEARWOOD TOO!!!! COMMENTS???? Name: Jason Stephens Email: jasonfromq106@yahoo.com Location: Madison State: of Disarray Country: The Land of Make-believe Date: Thursday, October 1, 1998 at 02:02:39 Comments: Thanks to everyone who's checked out the Q106 "Goodnight Kiss", in case you haven't heard it, here's how it goes... Each weeknight at 9, tune in, and call 281-1063 or #1063 (free on your Cellular One phone). and just by saying "This is (name) from (place), I'd like to send a goodnight kiss to (significant other's name)" you can save tons of money that you may have spent on trinkets and baubles to make your point. And even if you're single, give me a call - you can fire off a joke or something. Back to This Month's Scribble Pad Scribble Pad from September 1998 |
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